Six Declutter Tips Now That Summer's Gone

Six Declutter Tips Now That Summer's Gone

No doubt you've enjoyed the good summer vibes with the sun on your back and local traffic reduced because of neighbors being on vacation – and now all of a sudden it's fall.

When September comes, the mood changes so quickly.

All of a sudden, folks are back to work and school starts with the kids having to get used to the fact their “never-ending” summer vacation has come to an end.

Perhaps your home is looking a little worse for wear after the summer break. Maybe you've got a little too much dust because you kept the doors and windows open to keep indoors cool.

It's worth taking stock of what needs to be done around your home right now. Preparations for the onset of winter will save you a lot of time and energy down the track.

You can start by seeing what needs to be decluttered.

Below, I've outlined some of the items you might consider selling, giving away or throwing out to stop your home feeling cluttered up. I hope you find these ideas helpful and inspire you to take action.

School Supplies: If pens don't work, put them in trash. In fact, all of last year's school equipment should be reviewed. Old uniforms that no longer fit can usually be offered back to the school for reselling or given to younger pupils.

Summer Fashion: Staying on a similar topic, if you know your children will have grown out of this year's summer clothes by the time next July comes around, jettison them now. If they're still in good condition, give them away to a charity.

Look Sharp: Are you going back to work in the same suits, or shirts and ties? Or do you feel like it's time to refresh your work wardrobe? If so, then add your old office clothes to the charity pile and free up space in your closet for some new fashion. Looking sharp at work is a good investment, right?

Winter's Coming: As you're going through your closet, assess the quality of your winter clothes before the cold winds arrive. While winter fashion tends to last longer than summer items, ask yourself whether you're really going to go around in that old coat again.

Old Tech: Our gadgets all have a lifespan that's determined by the pace of innovation. If you've got old phones and PCs that can remember the Bush administration (either one!), it's time to send them to specialist tech recyclers for ethical disposal.

Garage hoarding: Open that roller door, pull up your sleeves and get decluttering. You should target toys and sports gear that are broken or no one uses, old holiday decorations that have seen better days, and tools that collect dust. 

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